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The IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (T-MRB) is a quarterly Green Open Access multi-disciplinary journal aimed at publishing peer-reviewed papers focused on innovative research ideas and medical application results, and reporting significant theoretical findings and application case studies in the areas of medical robotics and bionics.Submit Manuscript

Read the Issues online. T-MRB IEEE Xplore


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Paolo Dario

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy



Paolo Dario is Professor of Biomedical Robotics at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy. He received his Dr Eng Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pisa, and Honorary Dr Eng Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Campus Biomedico University in Rome, and has been and is visiting researcher, professor and fellow at various universities and scientific institutions in Europe, USA, the Middle East and Asia.

His current research interests are in the field of bio-robotics and bionics, and include surgical robotics, micro/nano devices for endoscopy, bio-inspired devices and systems, and assistive and companion robots.

Paolo Dario is the author of 400+ journal publications (Scopus), his H-Index is 71 (Scopus). He is co-author of 50+ international patents and co-founder of 5 start-up companies. Paolo Dario has been the coordinator of many large national and European projects.

He served as Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of many international journals in biomedical engineering and in robotics. He is Founding Editorial Board Member of the Journal “Science Robotics”, Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering and Editor-in-Chief of the new IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics.

Paolo Dario is an IEEE Fellow and a Fellow of the European Society on Medical and Biological Engineering. He served as President of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and received many prizes and Awards, including the 1996 Joseph Engelberger Award for Medical Robotics, the 2014 IEEE RAS George Saridis Leadership Award, and the 2017 IEEE RAS Pioneer Award for Biorobotics.



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Focused Section on “Bionic Organs and Tissues”

Submissions closed

Call for Papers

Guest Editors: Leonardo Ricotti, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy, Toshinori Fujie, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Ellen T. Roche, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.


Expected publication date: Volume 3, Issue 2 (May 2021)

Special Section on the 2020 Conference on New Technologies for Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS 2020)

Guest Editors: Alícia Casals, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, Albert Hernansanz, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, Arianna Menciassi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy, Emmanuel Vander Porten, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

Selected contributions from Conference papers.


Expected publication date: Volume 3, Issue 2 (May 2021)

Special Section on the the 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics & Biomechatronics (BioRob) 2020

Guest Editors: Sunil K. Agrawal, Columbia University, USA, Ellen T. Roche, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.

Selected contributions from Conference papers.

Final decision of papers acceptance: June 30, 2021

Papers to appear in a Special Section: to be decided by Editor-in-Chief

The eighth IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics – BioRob2020 – is a joint effort of the two IEEE Societies of Robotics and Automation – RAS – and Engineering in Medicine and Biology – EMBS.

BioRob covers both theoretical and experimental challenges posed by the application of robotics and mechatronics in medicine and biology. The primary focus of Biorobotics is to analyze biological systems from a “biomechatronic” point of view, trying to understand the scientific and engineering principles underlying their extraordinary performance. This profound understanding of how biological systems work, behave, and interact can be used for two main objectives: to guide the design and fabrication of novel, high performance bio-inspired machines and systems for many different applications; and to develop novel nano-, micro-, and macro- devices that can act upon, substitute parts of, and assist human beings in prevention, diagnosis, surgery, prosthetics, rehabilitation, and personal assistance.



Special Section on Surgical Vision, Navigation, and Robotics.

Guest Editors: Xiongbiao Luo, Xiamen University, China, Danail Stoyanov, University College London, UK, Nobuhiko Hata, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA, and Alejandro F. Frangi, University of Leeds, UK, and KU Leuven, Belgium.

Senior Guest Editors (providing experienced support and the editorial oversight): Guang-Zhong Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, Russell H. Taylor, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C., USA, and Terry M. Peters, Western University, Canada.

Call for Papers to be announced

Expected publication date: Volume 3, Issue 3 (August 2021)




Volume 1 Issue 1 – February 2019 (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=8653631&punumber=8253409)

The inaugural Issue of T-MRB establishes a link with the IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics & Biomechatronics (BioRob), and, in particular, it is a Special Issue on the BioRob2018 Conference.

Guest Editors: Herman van der Kooij, University of Twente & Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, and Sarthak Misra, University of Twente, University Medical Center Groningen and University of Groningen, The Netherlands, the Conference General and Program Chair, respectively.

Volume 1 Issue 2 – May 2019 (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=8716612&punumber=8253409)

Volume 1 Issue 3 – August 2019 (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=8809235&punumber=8253409)

Volume 1 Issue 4 – November 2019 (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=8924880&punumber=8253409)

Special Section on the 2018 IEEE Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS).

Guest Editors: Guanglin Li, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, China, Qiang Huang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, and Mamoru Mitsuishi, The University of Tokyo, Japan, the Conference General Chair, General Co-Chair and Program Co-Chair, respectively.

Volume 2 Issue 1 – February 2020 (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=9007555&punumber=8253409)

Volume 2 Issue 2 – May 2020 (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=9097263&punumber=8253409)

Special Section on the 2019 Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics (HSMR).

Guest Editors: Guang-Zhong Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, Paolo Fiorini, Università di Verona, Italy, Giulio Dagnino, Imperial College, UK, and Cameron Riviere, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.

Volume 2 Issue 3 – August 2020 (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=9172154&punumber=8253409)

Special Section on the 2019 IEEE Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems (CBS).

Guest Editors: Alois Knoll, Technische Universität München, Germany, and Rüdiger Dillmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, the Conference General and Program Chair, respectively.

Volume 2 Issue 4 – November 2020 (link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=9267756&punumber=8253409)

Special Section on the 2020 Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics (HSMR).

Guest Editors: Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena, Imperial College, UK, Kevin Cleary, Children’s National Hospital, Washington D.C., USA, Ara Darzi, Imperial College, UK, and Daniel Elson, Imperial College, UK.


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